Tuesday, June 19, 2007

7 1/2 Habits

Of the 7 1/2 habits of highly successful Lifelong Learners, I would say the hardest for me is Habit 4: having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I would say of some things, the IDEA of learning them is more attractive than the practice, i.e., certain puzzles like Sudoku, which because "they" say its good for the brain, I feel like l should learn it. I have, but it's not become a habit. I have learned in my life that if I sit down, take a deep breath, and calmly TRY to learn something, I generally can get it. It's the sitting down and making myself pay attention that's the hard part.

I would say the easiest Habit is the last, Play, except that would be true for everyone, I suspect. If I don't use that one, the easiest is probably #1, Beginning with the End in Mind. I generally have a clear idea of what I hope to accomplish with a learning task - even if things don't always work out the way I planned.

I am generally very excited about the whole libraries 2.0 concept, and most especially, learning all the technology. The planning and steps make learning about these things much easier than just vaguely saying "I should learn about (fill in the blank), because without some guidance and practice, somehow not much is learned. I guess that's another truth about my own learning style - I definitely work better with some structure.

1 comment:

TennisPlayingLibrarian said...

My learning style is very similar to yours. I also need structure and quiet time in fairly long spurts so that I'm not distracted from what I'm learning....pk