Saturday, June 23, 2007

Flickr and other miscellanea (sp?)

I still am learning how to manage this blog. I can find the page with all my posts, and there doesn't seem to be a link to the "dashboard" with the option to create a new post. I will have to continue to explore.

I am very proud of myself conerning Flickr. I was excited to learn about it's potential - it came at a time when I had a very specific need to share some graduation photos with family - and gave me a great opportunity to do so. I sat down at the computer last weekend, and it took me several hours, but in the end, I had a Flickr account (and a new Yahoo email account) and had uploaded the pictures to the site, and communicated the address to my family. I am very excited about the potential for this to enable me to keep in touch with family and friends, and it really is quite easy to use.


Westie said...
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Westie said...

When you are logged in, in the right corner, it will display your email address. "New Post," "Customize," and "Sign Out" links follow your email address. If you click on "Customize," you will see a "Dashboard" link in the upper righthand corner of the blue strip at the top of you page.