Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The 23 Things

Above all, this was a FUN learning experience. I appreciated the opportunity to have a structured learning plan - it was the best way to learn about some of these things, which I never could have explored on my own. Personally, the most useful was Flickr, which I have already used to share my daughter's graduation photos with family. From a professional standpoint, the most useful would be Wikis (probably will be used in HCPL alot in the future) and the podcast and downloadable audio exercises, as this is something I can help patrons with.

I do intend to continue learning about technology, and would definitely take advantage of any future opportunities for discovery programs. I think the learn-at-your-own pace structure worked well, and the collaboration with co-workers made it fun. The format was fine with me, since I just completed LATI, which had a similar format. Thank you for this chance to learn.


TennisPlayingLibrarian said...

Congratulations, Cathy! I just finished #22 so all I have to do is summarize for #23 then I'm done too. I can't wait for the MP3 Player for downloadable audio books!

IrmBrown said...

Congrats! too...
Do you think you'll keep blogging for yourself? Do you have an idea for a wiki? I'll have to scroll down and find that FlickR link. :-)